Villages for 1.12.2

47,971 vistas • Oct 22, 2019

Semilla de Minecraft 1.12 Village Seeds

MrKirby4869 0 followers

6 Blacksmiths in the village contain:
20 - Obsidian
7 - Apples
8 - Breads
2 - Iron Boots
1 - Iron Pickaxe
24 - Oak Sapling
2 - Diamond Horse Armor
6 - Diamond
1 - Iron Leggings
1 - Iron Helmet
1 - Iron Sword

Village Location 1 - X 1144 / Y ¿? / Z 776

Village Location 2 - X 808 / Y ¿? / Z 152

Village Location 3 - X 648 / Y ¿? / Z 750

Create this world as a flatland world*

Código de Semilla: 3791896911213561414

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