10,711 vistas • Feb 27, 2011

Semilla de Minecraft 1.2 - 1.3.2 Snow Seeds

CreeperClaus 1 followers

Let's see? Giant trees, lots of snow, de-soiled mountains and a whole lot more! This is my type of seed.

My fourth seed

Código de Semilla: 1035215597031186325

Puntos de inicio

X: -20 / Y: 78 / Z: 257


X: 90 / Y: 92 / Z: 204

I feel so stony right now. Yeah. A stony mountain with a particularly good feature. Yes. A waterfall.

X: -122 / Y: 76 / Z: 155

Sorry, no diamond here, but still, useful for a mine and it has 18 pieces of coal and 15 iron ore.
Look at the screenshots to see it illuminated

X: -192 / Y: 15 / Z: 292

Oohh.. a Skeleton dungeon. What! It has 64 mossy cobblestone! Pbbt!
That's nothing. What! 4 iron ingots, 3 cocoa beans, 6 pieces of bread, 1 saddle, 2 string, 1 pile of gunpowder and a bucket! WHERE IS IT!

X: -285 / Y: 64 / Z: 387

Huh? Is it a mirage? Of warmth in complete cold? That's strange. I'd like build an igloo there. Not near a frozen lake. Or near a frozen creeper.

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