6 Villages, 2 Temples, and Mineshaft.

68,049 views • May 31, 2018

Minecraft 1.12 Seed Village Seeds

NickTHH 2 followers

This is a seed I found when typing in random phrases. The result is a world with tons of villages and good loot.

Seed Code: whatcouldgowrong?

Spawn points

X: 108 / Y: 70 / Z: 237


X: 228 / Y: 75 / Z: 180

This is probably one of the first generated structures you see when you spawn into this world.

X: 362 / Y: 63 / Z: 149

This desert temple is right at the border between the desert and the savanna biome.
It has the best loots.

X: 5 / Y: 72 / Z: -155

This is the second village, near the first village, but can take a while to get there if you are in survival mode.

X: -235 / Y: 74 / Z: -202

This is the third village, just to the west of the second village and is near the ocean. This village in particular lacks the black smith building.

X: 10 / Y: 74 / Z: -245

This buried desert temple was near the second village.

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