glacier/deep frozen ocean biome at spawn (also sunflower plains) *rare*

1,010 views • Jul 10, 2020

Minecraft 1.16 Seed Rare Seeds

kevinmlgnoscope 0 followers

a relatively large glacier biome close to spawn, you spawn on a island and there is some sand, grass and a couple of trees. to see it look to your left and turn up render distance to at least 12 - 16 chunks. (note: coordinates for spawn are estimates as i didn't bother noting them down beforehand). after the glacier biome there is a sunflower plains biome (which is like a plains biome but with tons of flowers, and its rare). the "glacier biome" is actually deep frozen ocean, but its pretty much the same.

Seed Code: 4933275450689514916

Spawn points

X: 66 / Y: 63 / Z: -25


X: -40 / Y: 67 / Z: 123

location 1: glacier/deep frozen ocean biome
location 2: sunflower plains biome.
location 2: -206 72 205

X: -206 / Y: 72 / Z: 205

sunflower plains biome

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