5,856 views • Feb 27, 2011

Minecraft 1.2 - 1.3.2 Seed Desert Seeds

greenalgkitten 1 followers

There are a ton of places on this seed come check it out. i couldn't add all of these so go check them out too.
x -917.05
y 34.00
z -675.72
abandoned mineshaft/spawner 2 coco beans 2 bread 6 wheat 1 string 2 buckets (its under an ocean)

near ravine
x -969.94
y 42.2
z -722.45

open abandoned mineshaft (in ravine)
x -891.74
y 41.00
z -752.62

x 270
y 66
z 1324
desert pyramid 4 diamonds, 2 gold, 19 bones, 25 rotten flesh, and 6 iron.

Seed Code: 1773008195

Spawn points

X: 214 / Y: 65 / Z: 282


X: 256 / Y: 82 / Z: 343

Jungle temple
7 diamonds, 9 gold. 8 bones, 3 rotten flesh.
With a lava pool right near it.(X 254.61, Y 83.00, Z 357.49)

X: -304 / Y: 72 / Z: 1

extreme hills/mountians

X: -811 / Y: 74 / Z: -197

jungle biome with ravine.

X: -1,155 / Y: 83 / Z: 138

Desert pyramid 9-10 gold, 23 rotten flesh, 4 iron, 6 bones, 3 emeralds.

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