witches are coming...

7,523 views • Feb 27, 2011

Minecraft 1.2 - 1.3.2 Seed

brickmaster 3 followers

Im sure that everyone knows that there are going to be a few new mobs to Minecraft (Inculding witches!) so, I decided to make a seed with "witches" in the title.. Enjoy!

Seed Code: witches are coming...

Spawn points

X: -11 / Y: 68 / Z: 261


X: 51 / Y: 70 / Z: 307

The village close to the spawn, good to do some trading in.

X: 969 / Y: 71 / Z: -934

An entrance to a underground ravine with an abandoned mineshaft in it!

X: -972 / Y: 28 / Z: -887

The abandoned mineshaft!

X: -1,429 / Y: 71 / Z: -847

The first temple, there are others at- X--1743 Y-71 Z--7189 And: X--1203 Y-74 Z--1238

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brickmasterSrry about the dark mineshaft picture.. :/

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