Micro-Shattered Savana-Taiga +Ocean Cave to -40

5,061 views • Sep 9, 2021

Minecraft 1.8 Seed Cave Seeds

TheFearlessKat 1 followers

I installed the 1.18 Experimental Snapshot 7 and loaded a new world. I wanted to elytra around because they changed the speed. I randomly came across this amazing spectacle.

Anyway, this seed contains a micro shattered savanna biome inside a taiga biome which includes a cool waterfall, a floating island right next to an ocean and a cold ocean biome. On top of this, there is an ocean cave filled with water really close by that goes all the way down to -40 and possibly lower.

Really cool seed, check it out!

Seed Code: 2015985754464551116


X: 2,203 / Y: 64 / Z: -1,073

Micro-shattered Savannah. The water cave is at 2336 / ~ / -944

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