ocean temple at spawn

15,943 views • Feb 26, 2016

Minecraft 1.8 Seed Temple Seeds

Laney2000 0 followers

You spawn on a little island. turn around and look into the ocean. There you will see a ocean temple. The coardinates for the temple are: x: -250 y: 60 z: 200.

Seed Code: 1175366331765614090

Spawn points

X: -142 / Y: 66 / Z: 325


X: -250 / Y: 60 / Z: 200

Ocean temple

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KrissieFoxThis seed doesn't seem to be working as described. I spawned in a forest rather than the ocean. When I went to the coordinates X: -250 / Y: 60 / Z: 200 I only found a swamp, and at coordinates X: -142 / Y: 66 / Z: 325 I found a forest.

(Sorry for the double post, the site glitched out and when I tried refreshing the page this happened)


KrissieFoxThis seed doesn't seem to be working as described. I spawned in a forest rather than the ocean. When I went to the coordinates X: -250 / Y: 60 / Z: 200 I only found a swamp, and at coordinates X: -142 / Y: 66 / Z: 325 I found a forest.

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